Welcome to I Smile at the Sun!
If you grew up reading Dr. Seuss and love fun tongue-twisting rhymes, then you've come to the right place. Judith Barrett Lawson has written an amazing poem book that is not only just for kids but also "Misidentified Grown-ups."  

Renowned Novelist Kaye Gibbons said, "This book is lovely, genuine, and true. It's is about grace, kindness, good humor, and goodwill, things we all need and deserve a few doses of these days."

Judith Barrett Lawson

About the Author




Judith Barrett Lawson is a writer, screenwriter, playwright, and lyricist with over thirty-five song cuts to her credit. Prior to devoting herself to writing, she worked in TV casting and feature film development. She is a godmother, auntie, or friend to a passel of kids, each of whom she adores. "They're my heart," Lawson said proudly. "They're who I wrote this for -- them, and the kids I haven't met yet," she smiled. Soon after she lost her home to the Malibu, California Woosley Fires in 2018, she attended a dinner party to get her mind off the loss. And it's a good ting she did - at the table beside her was Sequoia Schmidt, founder of DiAngelo Publications. The rest, as they say, is history. She has since moved back to her hometown of East Wenatchee, WA to be closer to her mother.


Contact Info:






             +1 (310) 743 - 9646















Judith Barrett Lawson